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GE group aims to elucidate the microscopic origin of macroscopic behaviors of various polymer and soft matter systems. The goal is achieved through the combination of molecular simulations and theoretical modeling. The research is integrated with cutting-edge synthesis and characterization experiments and stretched to promote interdisciplinary applications of fundamental knowledge. Topics currently investigated include (1) the effects of polymer topology on the thermodynamics, rheology, and mechanics of polymeric materials [1-3], (2) the transport of nanoscale objects in complex polymeric environments [4, 5], as well as (3) the scale-bridging physics in the large deformation and fracture behavior of thermoplastics, elastomers, and gels [6, 7].​


​Keywords: soft matter, polymer physics,

computational physics, molecular simulation

[1] "Molecular Simulations Revealing Effects of Non-concatenated Ring Topology on Phase Behavior of Symmetric Diblock Copolymers",  A. Wijesekera, D. Vigil, and T. Ge, Macromolecules 57, 5092 (2024).

[2] Superstretchable elastomer from cross-linked ring polymers, J. Wang, T. C. O’Connor, G. S. Grest, and T. Ge, Physical Review Letters 128, 237801 (2022).

[3] “Crazing reveals an entanglement network in glassy ring polymers”, J. Wang and T. Ge, Macromolecules 54, 7500 (2021).

[4] “Scaling Perspective on Dynamics of Nanoparticles in Polymers: Length- and Time-Scale Dependent Nanoparticle-Polymer Coupling”, T. Ge, Macromolecules 56, 3809 (2023), Invited Perspective Article.

[5] “Force-driven active dynamics of thin nanorods in unentangled polymer melts”, S. Zhang, J. Wang, and T. Ge, Soft Matter 18, 6582 (2022), Emerging Investigator Collection.

[6] "Polymer Thin Film Necking: Ductility from Entanglements and Plane Stress Condition", S. Zhang, Z. Cao, X. Gu, and T. Ge, Macromolecules 57, 6221 (2024). 

[7] “Effects of Coarse-Graining on Molecular Simulation of Craze Formation in Polymer Glass”, J. Wang, P. J. in’t Veld, M. O. Robbins, and T. Ge, Macromolecules 55, 1267 (2022).

The Team

Postdoctoral researchers, graduate, undergraduate, and pre-college students are welcome to join the team and participate in research projects at different levels. Interested viewers of this webpage, please email the PI.

Dr. Ting Ge

Principal Investigator

Email:  Full CV

Ting Ge graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China with B. S. in 2007. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from Johns Hopkins University in 2013, under the supervision of the late Prof. Mark O. Robbins (Memory of Orchids). Subsequently, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Research Triangle of North Carolina, first at UNC-Chapel Hill and then at Duke University, supervised by Prof. Michael Rubinstein (Story of the Ugly Duckling). Ting joined the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty at the University of South Carolina as an assistant professor in January 2020. He has been recognized with the CAREER award from the National Science Foundation (FY2023), Doctoral New Investigator research grant from ACS Petroleum Research Fund (FY2023), and as Soft Matter Emerging Investigator from RSC (2022). His long-time interest, and sometimes urgent need, is "Making Ends Meet". 


profile_TingGe_2023 copy.jpg

For a list of publication, see Google Scholar

For what's happening, check Twitter @ TingGe15

For a peek into iPhone photos, check IG @getphysics


Siteng Zhang

Graduate Student (2021 -)


B.S., 2017, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China

M.S., 2019, University of Akron 

2022, University of South Carolina Graduate Travel Award

2023 - , Member of ACS PMSE Student Chapter @ Univ. of S. C. 


Andrew Wijesekera

Graduate Student (2021 -)


B.S., 2019, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

2023, University of South Carolina Graduate Travel Award

2023, Recipient of Advancing Science Conference Grant 

at the 50th Annual NOBCChE (National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers) Conference


Former Team Member 

Yishayah Bension

Graduate Student

(2019 - 2024, Co-advised with Prof. Chuanbing Tang)

B.A. and B.S., 2017, Case Western Reserve University

2022, J. R. Durig Graduate Student Travel Award

2023, President of ACS PMSE Student Chapter @ Univ. of S. C.


Former Team Member 

Dr. Jiuling Wang

Postdoctoral Researcher (2020 - 2021)

B.E., 2010, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Ph.D., 2017, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science

 2022, Distinguished Young Scholars of

the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Overseas)


Former Team Member

Michael Shimizu

Student Intern (Summer 2020 and Summer 2021)

2020, Dreher High School, Columbia, SC

2020 - 2024, Cornell University 




Education & Outreach 

Undergraduate Teaching  

Chem541 Physical Chemistry 

- Thermodynamics and Kinetics


Graduate Teaching      

Chem739 Topic - Physical Chemistry of Polymer

Summer Graduate Enrichment Program

- Tutorial on Molecular Simulations using LAMMPS


Summer Outreach 

     South Carolina site of ACS Project SEED program

      - Adding virtual and computational components

    List of Mentees

     Kennedy Corbin

     2021, Spring Valley High School, Columbia, SC

     Brianna Osisioma

     2022, South Gibson County High School, Medina, TN

     Madelyn Mendez-Pelaez

     2023 and 2024, Airport High School, West Columbia, SC â€‹â€‹

South Carolina Governor's School for Science + Mathematics - Summer Student Research

List of Mentees: Renan Yilmaz (2024)

        Team Base


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,

University of South Carolina

Horizon-I Building, 541 Main St. 

Columbia, SC 29201


Links to local community

Horizon Polymer Groups

(Benicewicz, TangStefik, and Chen)

High Performance Computing Cluster Hyperion

 Chemistry Department and Experience Columbia SC

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